Friday, April 20, 2012

"Here I am. I stand with arms wide open..."

My Water Baptism: One Year Later.

"All the good You've done for me-I lift up my voice for all to see!"
- lyrics taken from the song: Rooftops, by Jesus Culture

I remember the pressure I felt on my chest. It's where I normally feel the Holy Spirit nudge me. 
"Do it. Now is the time." He said.

I had all of this head knowledge of God and a life that was already proclaiming Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I was baptized as a baby and I thought: why now, God? But it wasn't the first time I had felt that nudge. This time, obedience stepped in. I knew it was the time.

I was nervous. My heart thumped. I was embarrassed because I was worried that other people would be in shock that I hadn't done it already.  I'm a fairly "Rooftop" girl- I speak what I know is truth and I do it with a passion. Yet, I was nervous to be an adult and to do it again. 
This time-it was my choice.

There were many times when it wasn't right-baptism had been available to me in other churches, at other stages of my life-but I wasn't ready and the circumstances didn't feel right. Now, at twenty-six year old, in my loving church-it was right. My career was public enough, (I knew an international group of people from singing opera) and Facebook, yes...Facebook- made it very easy to "Go public!" .....Along with the live stream from TFHNY (The Father's House, New York-my home church) that broadcasts globally.....
Well, God knew that it was time for this very public singing girl to make a very public proclamation.

"Here I am-I stand with arms wide open to the One, the Son! The Everlasting God!"

May 22, 2011.

 I hear the Holy Spirit very clearly, so I knew that I had to be obedient. I remember preparing that afternoon for the service in the evening knowing, knowing- one hundred percent- that my life was going to be different after. I didn't know how or why, but I knew.

Still nervous - but confident, I stood in line and went up to the baptismal font. My dear friend, Becca Johnson, our beautiful worship leader, was singing one of my favorite songs, "Unrestrained," --- and there I was- baptized by my wonderful pastor! Climbing out of the water-filled with new life---- I was full of joy!!!! The entire service was so awesome! It's full of worship: jumping and dancing! I remember feeling so overjoyed and as if Heaven had touched earth!:) 
(Plugging your nose is recommended;)

"Because of You, I freely live.
My life to You, oh God-I give."

The Response
It was pretty awesome! The pictures and videos were posted to Facebook, (Thanks to my dear brother, Greg and his awesome girlfriend, Kim!)... and I was able to talk about it with so many people! 
And...I have a live record of that beautiful moment!

"To share this love throughout the earth..." <3

The fruit of taking that step of faith and making a public, rooftop proclamation has been....beyond what I can describe here in words. But..I will tell you of all He has done since then-the best that I can!


The anointing on my voice has reached new levels. I know that God is using my music (whether I sing a sacred or secular song), to heal and to speak to hearts everywhere-live and through recordings. 
It's nothing I can take credit for-it's Him using the gift He so freely gave me to reach His beloved people. There have been several moments where I could feel the Spirit of the Lord descend on an audience- and they "stopped." 

God was moving through me. 

People would say, "I don't know why, but that song made me cry," or "You moved me so much." 
I tell you truly: it wasn't me-it was the presence of the Lord-and He was singing right to them.


This is pretty amazing. I love telling of His faithfulness! 
Since last year-I have had tremendous blessings in my career. 
I did things I didn't even know I could do-and He gets all the credit!

  • I've had incredible job opportunities-by important companies or people-that I've had no hand in!
  • I've discovered that I like to write and create art! I started by adapting a monologue and performing it in church-that grew into a helping to write/create and arrange music for an entire Christmas production at our church! 
  • God created something out of an idea He planted-and in three months time-a full scale production was born-written, produced and designed...... and.....thousands of people were able to see it over a series of nine performances!  ONLY GOD CAN DO THAT!  (1947-A Vintage Christmas)
Now, I'm writing all the time!:)


  • I've met the important people I needed to meet to help connect me- ( both professionally and personally), through God given opportunities in and out of church-people that will impact my entire future.
I've met some of my best friends in the entire world:)


  • I've been blessed to be able to sing on our beautiful worship team at church and sing for some pretty incredible events: like our amazing Easter Experience a few weeks ago! I saw approximately 10,000 people come to worship at the Blue Cross Arena. 
Only God can do that! 

  • I've led worship several times-while singing away on tour and in some amazing settings: like on an urban New York City........

...that God provided for me to go on with BASIC College Ministries. 
The entire trip was funded by a beautiful friend of mine! Can you imagine!
There I was-singing on a street corner in the middle of Harlem...
And in nursing homes, soup kitchens and group homes
...bringing music to all kinds of people...
because that's what Jesus has in store!
I couldn't have done that on my own-I was too afraid. 

He made me look into faces and see places that I would have never seen on my own.
He changed my heart to love His people
-to see them as He sees them.
I'll never go back.

"Knowing that Your Perfect Grace-Has brought me to this place."
A new me.
A new boldness.
A new passion.

Apart from Him, I can do nothing. 
( based on John 15:5)

I owe Him everything.
He freely gives:)

So, I encourage you!
 If you have considered being baptized and God has put it on your heart-

Go for it! 

*If you don't know Jesus, He wants to know you. 
He loves you and wants to give you His living water. <3
Be Blessed!:)

Thanks for letting me share my story with you:)



"So, I'll shout out Your Name! 
From the Rooftops I proclaim-
that I am Yours!"

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