Monday, January 23, 2012

The Relief Bus! A life changing journey!

This is a note a shared on Facebook following my recent ministry trip with BASIC College Ministries! I wanted to share it with you:)

I've just returned from a missions trip with BASIC College Ministries to New York City where we partnered with the New York School of Urban Ministry!  I wanted to share with you one of my favorite ministries that we partnered with-It's called, The Relief Bus.  Here we met Josiah and his team of volunteers on an incredible bus which provides food, clothing, counseling, information, prayer and community in specific areas of New York City and New Jersey. My team had the pleasure of serving with The Relief Bus on Friday morning from 10 am to 2 pm. My eyes and heart were opened to a community and a people in Harlem that I will never forget.

I began serving in the back of the bus, where we distributed clothing: socks, shoes, coats, shirts, pants; whatever was available to whomever needed it. It was incredibly beautiful to watch people climb up on the bus and receive. I really enjoyed  talking with people  and finding out what they needed. We were able to give socks to everyone- but we did not have enough clothes, the right sizes or amount of clothing to help each person. Many people really needed hats, scarves, and coats-anything to keep them warm as they were living on the street. Once we were out of the items- we were out. I hated the thought of someone freezing out on the streets, (we had served in several soup kitchens and homeless ministries earlier in the week) and the conditions are beyond description. My heart broke from each person; some trying to find clothing for their children, some for themselves; each dressed meagerly. Some had amazingly positive spirits, some incredibly broken-but all came with attitude of thankfulness!  I was humbled as I walked beside our new friends; watching them eagerly come to receive food and clothing. I only wished they could all receive what they needed. That's where I would like to help. I'm going to be packing up several coats, gloves, shoes and clothing items and sending them on their way to New York so Josiah and his team can distribute them. I'd like to encourage you to consider searching through your closets or buying some items to help someone in need. 

After I served in clothing distribution, I joined in with my team who were  praying and talking with people on the street. My team served some delicious soup, bread and hot chocolate, as we shared community with anyone who like to have some soup and fellowship. We talked about life, we prayed and we listened. I especially like to listen and observe what people are not saying. A person's posture can tell a whole lot about a person. Many people were in desperate need of a Savior. All of them needed hope. Their postures were often limp and weighty. Their bodies showed malnutrition and implications of drug use. This little corner of Harlem needed someone to reach out and speak light and life into each person!  Some just wanted to tell their stories; so we listened. Some could feel the power of Christ's love and they knew He would respond to them! So we prayed and we talked. And on that street corner in Harlem, Heaven came to earth and the Lord provided.

It's not the only day Josiah and The Relief Bus bring a piece of Heaven to Harlem. The Relief Bus servers several times through the week and also in New Jersey. People may receive counseling and information on employment, shelters and health care; among others. It's a safe place to come and receive love and God's grace, as He so freely gave it. One young lady, with the help of Josiah and our BASIC team received more than soup: she was able to get on a train to a rehabilitation center in upstate New York hours after she came to get help. Heaven responded to her cry for help through listening ears and eager hearts who became Jesus' hands and feet! Praise be to God!

There are many other success stories for The Relief Bus. Some we may never know and so many wonderful stories of transformation have been reported!  I know my heart has been changed. The prissy opera singer from upstate New York is no longer afraid to be outside of her comfort zone. I was even able to bring some opera to that corner, (due to the encouragement and team of my friends)...and through a lifted acapella song, we prayed with an awesome lady for healing and brought the healing power of music to the area. I'm sure the angels were singing along! 

If you feel like you want to make make a donation to The Relief Bus or find out more information, you can visit their website If you would like to join me in sending items, you can mail them to: 

NYCR-295 Walnut Street, Elizabeth, NJ 07201. 

They also can be found on Facebook! You too can make a difference!

If you would like more information on BASIC College Ministries, please visit them on the web at: This really awesome guy named, Greg Best, is on staff as the Traveling Team Coordinator. He's the reason I became involved. (He's also my little brother;) You can also visit them on Facebook.

If you would like information on the New York School of Urban Ministry, you can find them on the web at:

Thank you for letting me share my story with you! 

May God Bless You and Keep You!

With Love,


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